This year I got to celebrate my 30th birthday doing things that I love! Watched a movie with some friends, ate delicious pizza, and then hopped a plane to visit a dear friend in Los Angeles! It was also her birthday, so obviously we were gonna do some fun stuff.
I love having friends who live in awesome cities for so many reasons, here are just a few that stick out most:
I get to travel to go see them! I love seeing new places, but I don’t think I’m quite up to the Solo travel challenge thing yet.
They know their city better than I do. Getting to see a different city than the ones you see on Pinterest, or Instagram, is the best! I like seeing what people like about their cities, and where the best restaurants are. More importantly: who makes the best burger and fries. (The answer is Astro Burger)
I feel like I’m getting the best quality time since I don’t get to see that friend as often. But really, they just can’t escape me! “Oh, let’s get dinner and talk for a few hours and do it again in a month!” NOPE. You can’t escape me. I’m here until you drop me off at the airport!
You won’t have to ask some stranger to take your picture for you, and if they’re a really, really good friend, they will get your good angles.
I believe traveling with friends and family makes traveling so much more enjoyable.
I can’t wait to go back for a visit so I can see a new part of California, and make more fun memories!
Celebrating birthdays at Disneyland, walking through the Poppy fields (not stomping on the poppies), hanging out in Santa Monica where my mom grew up, seeing where Rebel Without a Cause was filmed, and exploring Los Angeles was a perfect trip. I’m so thankful for my friend Abbigail. She is so much more than just a gateway to a fun destination. The best part of visiting friends is just being with them, laughing, and eating Astro fries.